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Lost In The Moment (Moment #1) Page 6

  All I wanted was to rest assured that I truly was the only one he wanted. I know I'm just letting my emotions get the best of me and I need to stop over thinking things, but this is your average relationship, it's real and complicated at the same time.

  A week went by and I managed to keep my previous emotions hidden. Everything was great with Jason and I, from walks on the beach to taking long hikes and being the picture perfect couple, it truly felt like love even though neither had said those words yet. Being together was almost too good to be true, we were perfect together. Although I had noticed a change in him and I couldn't quite figure out what, I was sure he was the one and any doubts I had were from my insecurities.

  Kayla had finally called yesterday to tell me she was on her way back with Cameron and insisted we have a girl’s night out just the two of us as soon as she got back, so I agreed. We had so much to talk about. Since we were having a girl’s night, Jason and Cameron decided they'd make it a boy’s night, I could tell Jason missed having his best friend around so I was ok with them having a night out. So here Kayla and I were dressed up and standing at the bar. All I could think about was what Jason and Cameron were doing. The last few days Jason seemed distant, but it wasn't too much that I thought I had anything to worry about, but I still couldn't get my mind off of it. Kayla quickly got me to snap out of it by pulling me onto the dance floor. Having her back was just what I needed. Maybe Jason and I just needed a break, we have spent every second together and in any relationship there's always that point where you just need to take a break. Tonight was our break, just a night apart with our friends and tomorrow things would be good again. It was nice to get out and spend time with Kayla. We drank and danced just as we always do when we go out, but this time, I was taking it easy on the drinking. We sat at the bar chatting it up with the bartender who told us about this amazing club not too far away and how it was an A list club, but as long as you looked good, the guy at the door would let you in. I took that as a compliment since he was insinuating that we shouldn't have any trouble getting in. Of course we had to check it out, we were already half way through the night and the fun had just begun.

  As soon as we start to walk up to the door, I see Stacy, I had yet to explain my disappearance from the night we went out. She waved us over and since she was in the list, the guy let us right in. "Stacy this is Kayla. Kayla this is Stacy." They shake hands "Nice to meet you Stacy. Cute shoes." Leave it to Kayla to immediately notice someone's cute shoes, the girl loves shoes. "Thanks. Nice to meet you too."

  We make our way through the club when Stacy pulls me towards her. "You never did tell me what happened to you that night. You really had me worried." I knew she was going to ask and I had nothing to hide, besides Kayla, Stacy was the only other person who really knew me, after all she was one of my best friends for most of my life, I could tell her anything, so I did. "Well my boyfriend and I were in a rough spot and I saw him there with another girl so I just had to leave. You know how it is. Us females and our emotions." I shake my head knowing she gets it since I was there through many of her relationships in high school. "I totally get that. If it were me, it probably would've been much worse for him than me just running out of the bar." She laughs. We get to the bar and order our drinks, Kayla and I both stunned by how seriously incredible this club was.

  Between the lights and music it was huge and full of people. "It's too crowded to tell, but you'd be surprised at how many celebrities are here right now." Stacy goes on to tell us. "Hey Katie, I wonder if Cameron and Jason are here too." Leave it to her to bring up Jason just as I was starting to stop my worrying. "Are they your boyfriends? If they're here, then they must be important, this place is strictly A list only or if you know someone. Lucky for me, I know people." Stacy laughs. "Katie is dating Jason Thompson and Cameron his best friend is my boyfriend. Since they were going out tonight I wondered if they were here. You haven't seen them by chance have you?"

  Thanks for the announcement Katie. Luckily it was just Stacy, I know she won't say anything. How did I know that Kayla would be wondering about Cameron just as I was wondering about Jason? We are seriously way too much alike, but now that she brought it up, I wonder if they are here somewhere. "Oh my god. You're dating Jason Thompson? I thought he was back with Victoria Johnson?" Victoria Johnson, she had to mention her name. Why would she think that? I guess she saw the picture of them in New York, but that was weeks ago, surely that blew over by now. "Why would you think they were back together?" I ask confused. Kayla's eyes widen because she can see my face turning red at the thought. "Katie, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Stacy looks at me with this look of pity. Why is she sorry? What don't I know? "Just tell me what you know Stacy. Did you see the picture of them from New York, because that wasn't what it looked like if that's what you're thinking of?" I'm getting worked up over nothing, I just need to breath. Stacy just looks at me like she's about to say something, but doesn't want to and with a brief hesitation she starts to open her mouth to speak "Jason has been here with Victoria all night. That's why I thought he was back with her. Katie, I'm so sorry."

  How could he do this to me? Things were so perfect, I don't understand. My knees gave out beneath me and Kayla managed to catch me just in time. I looked around the club trying to see him, see her, I had to find him. This couldn't be true, Stacy had to have been mistaken. Jason wouldn't do this to me, he just wouldn't. Kayla grabs my arm. "Come on Katie, let's just get out of here." She knew this was going to go over well if I saw him. I take a deep breath and just try to stay calm. I did this to myself and I was done being so stupid. I turned towards the bar and ordered a round of shots for us. Neither Kayla nor Stacy said a word. The shots came and I just ordered another round. I was done, I just didn't care anymore. I held it together and refused to show my friends how truly hurt I was. "You know what? I didn't expect it to work out with him anyway. Its better that it happened now before either of us got too emotional invested. Right?" I said calmly even though inside I wanted to scream. I think Kayla could see right through me, but Stacy just smiled at me. "That's right. It's LA, there are plenty of guys out there. Hey at least you have a good story to tell who else can say they dated Jason Thompson. Let's just drink and have some fun!" Stacy was right, there are plenty of guys out there. My mission for tonight is to really be done with Jason Thompson and make sure he knows it. I throw back another shot of tequila and order another round, I know I'm going to need it if I'm going to make it through tonight. Multiple shots later, I'm ready to find Jason. Making our way through the club I keep looking around hoping to spot him, still no sign of him. "I tried to text and call Cameron, but no response yet." I almost feel worse for Kayla. After Stacy told me that about Jason, I could see the worry in Kayla's eyes probably wondering if Cameron was with another girl too. Cameron was too nice of a guy to do that to her, I could tell he

  cared for her even though I thought I could tell Jason felt something for me that he obviously didn't. I have to find him, I have to see it with my owns eyes before I can believe it's true. Halfway across the dance floor I look up and there he was in the VIP lounge and just as Stacy said, he was with Victoria along with Cameron and a couple other guys I hadn't met before. I knew what I had to do, so towards the stairs I went. Kayla tried to stop me when she saw me looking up at me, but instead she just followed right behind me. She must feel so relieved seeing Cameron there just talking to guys, me on the other hand, I was livid, but I wasn't going to let him see me upset, he was never going to see me show any emotion towards him again. We walked right over to them, Kayla going straight to Cameron and me standing in front of Jason. His jaw dropped when he looked up to see it was me standing there and he was frozen. I knew I didn't need to say anything for him to know I was done, he could tell by the look on my face.

  I'm not going to cause a scene, I'm not going to burst out in tears, I'm going to politely say hello. Nothing says done like showing no sign emotion. I simply smile and start to talk "H
ey Jason. Funny seeing you guys here. Oh this must be the lovely Victoria I've heard so much about. Hi, I'm Katie. Nice to meet you." I kindly shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Katie. Are you guys friends?" She looks at Jason, who is stunned by how calm I am, and then she looks back at me. "I guess you could say that. We are neighbors. We've just hung out a few times. I have to say, you two make a great couple. Well I better get going, there's this gorgeous guy waiting at the bar who has been dying to dance with me all night. You guys have fun."

  Ok so there wasn't a guy waiting, but how hard could it be to find one is this huge crowd. I nod at Kayla just before I walk away reassuring her I was fine with her staying there with Cameron. I could just hang out with Stacy, two single girls ready for a good time. Just as I was walking away I could hear Victoria "She seemed really nice." If only she knew that during our entire conversation all I could picture was me slapping her across the face. She did seem nice, but through the anger, I couldn’t help but hate her.

  As soon as I get back to dance floor I find Stacy dancing with a guy so I grab the good looking guy beside me and started to dance. I felt pride in how I handled myself. I gave Jason one last glance to see him sitting just above me staring right at me like he was lost in thought and having no expression what so ever. I didn't need nor want an explanation, I simply didn't care anymore. The fact that he didn’t say anything, said it all. I smiled at myself and just kept dancing, this time it wasn't a competition to get under each others skin, this time I really didn't care.

  I knew that this time, I was really done with Jason Thompson.

  To be continued….

  Get, Lost In Life, book two of the series, to read what happens next.

  Thanks for reading.

  Copyright © 2015 by K. M. Nichols