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Lost In The Moment (Moment #1) Page 3

  After a long hot shower and a minute of just sitting on the couch watching tv, I'm anxiously waiting and watching the clock. She should be here any second. The door bell rings. It's her! She's finally here! I race to the door and just as I open it, she nearly tackles me, hugging me tight, I feel instant joy. She comes inside with 5 large bags, you'd think she was staying a month, how I wish she could. I showed her around the house and helped get her set up in the guest bedroom. It's almost 9:00, so we decide to start doing hair and make up, because we are going out. Kayla and I are going to a club called Avalon, it's supposed to be one of the best in LA, so it says online, I guess we will find out. I managed to call earlier when we were talking about going and although it's a little pricey, I figure Kayla is only here for a week, I am going to make sure we have a good time. Since we are going out in LA, we go all out dressing up. I prefer a T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of Chuck Taylor's as my go to outfit for everything, but not tonight. Tonight we are both wearing little black dresses with high heels and our hair and makeup is spot on. Kayla looks at me, then at herself in the mirror "I must say we look pretty hot." She's right, we really do. She's always telling me how gorgeous I am no matter what I wear, really I just consider myself average, but tonight, we both look amazing. "Yea we do. I called us a car, it should be here soon." I know we are both going to be drinking, so a car to drive us around seemed like a very responsible idea and I don't want us getting lost in the city since neither of us are familiar with it. Surprisingly, it only took us both an hour to get ready, usually Kayla alone takes two hours, but I think we are both so anxious to go out that we rushed a little. I hear the door bell ring. "That was fast. Didn't you just call the car company like 5 minutes ago?" She's right, that was fast. Maybe a car was already near by when I called. I head downstairs first while Kayla gets her purse. I open the door to go out and there's Jason, standing at my door.

  He just stares at me, looking from head to toe. "Wow. You're dressed up. Going out?" I can hear Kayla coming down the stairs, she's going to freak when she sees him standing here. "Yea, Kayla got in town early so we are going out tonight. What are you doing here?" What is he doing here? Just as Kayla comes around the corner, Jason replies "I left my jacket outside by the pool to dry last night, just thought I'd stop by to get it." I hear Kayla gasp behind me. Well now she knows he was here last night and that he was in the pool. I better prepare for her to ask a million questions about what happened last night even though I'm still not sure myself. "Come on in. You must be Jason Thompson." Leave it to Kayla to invite him right in. I can tell she's trying her hardest to contain her excitement and just act casual. I open the door all the way to let him in. "So, where are you ladies going tonight?" Although, I'd rather not tell him a specific location, Kayla quickly replies "Avalon. I read online it's pretty amazing." Now if I can just keep her from inviting him to tag along this night could still be a good night. "It's one of my favorite places. You'll definitely love it." He walks towards the patio door to go get his jacket, so I know this is my chance to tell Kayla to keep quiet. She's already looking at me with her mouth wide open in awe. As soon as he walks out I quickly lean to Kayla and whisper "Please do not invite him. Just stay quiet and let him leave, I'll explain later." I don't want to explain anything, but in order to keep her quiet, it's a small price to pay. She nods in agreement. Jason comes back in and walks back to the front door to go out and turns to give me another glance. "You ladies have fun tonight, try to stay out of trouble. Nice to meet you Kayla." I'm sure we won't be getting into any trouble, but not getting too crazy, that I can't promise. "We will. Bye." He waves and walks out, just as he does, I see our car pull into the driveway. We grab our stuff and follow just behind Jason out the door. He turns towards me as I open the car door "You never did text me so I'd have your number." That's mostly because I was too busy today and I wasn't sure I even wanted him to have my number. "Her number is 555-0823." Thanks Kayla. He quickly pulls out his phone and types it in. Well now he has it, great. "Thanks. I'll get ahold of you sometime Katie." He walks off and we get in the car to get our night started.

  We didn't even get to the end of the street before she started asking questions. After spending the entire car ride answering and explaining everything, I'm somewhat relieved that I finally told her. She was in shock for most of it, but as usual, she came to her own conclusion that he was clearly into me and I better not pass up a chance with him. I told her I was not at all interested in him like that, but she didn't seem convinced. We finally get to Avalon and see a line clear down the sidewalk, but since I called ahead and paid for us to get right in and have our own table, I should be able to just go right to the front of the line.

  Luckily our car just happened to be a limo making us look like pretty important people pulling up. We get out and go up to the door. I tell the guy our names, he checks his list and without question lets us right in. We walk in and both of us are in shock, this place is amazing. It's nothing like the small hole in the wall bars we are used to back home. We go straight to the bar and both order two Long Island iced teas each, it's both of our favorites and since it's so packed we ordered two each to save us from fighting our way through the crowd of people to get another. The music is loud and everyone is elbow to elbow. We finally find our table to set our drinks down and since it took what felt like forever to get to our table through the crowd, we had already finished our first glass and were sipping on the second. We sat looking around for a few minutes, but as soon as we both finished our second glass the drinks started to kick in and we were ready to hit the dance floor.

  After nearly an hour of dancing and multiple Long Island iced teas, we were both feeling a little drunk. So far it's been one of the best nights we have ever had. We go back to our table to sit and take a break from dancing and as Kayla gets her phone out, I follow and get mine out. I have a missed call, but I don't recognize the number, but since I've been drinking I don't think about it and call the number back. On the second ring, Jason answers. "Are you ladies having fun?" Yea I'm having fun and talking to him when I've been drinking is probably not the best idea because I literally have no filter after a few drinks so everything comes out. "We sure are." I'm pretty sure I slurred my words a little in that reply but I don't care. "You look like you're having fun." Did he just say I look like I'm having fun? Meaning he sees me. Oh no. Not tonight, not now. "Are you spying on me?" Of course he is. I look around, but don't see him. "Why don't you two come up and join us in the VIP section?" Up? He said up, so of course I look up and there he is smiling and waving at me.

  Kayla must've noticed me looking up at him because she looked up and started waving back, without hesitation she grabs my hand and pulls me out of my seat and towards the stairs to join him. In the process of being dragged up the stairs, I put my phone back in my purse and try to keep my head down to avoid eye contact. We sit down where he and his friend were sitting and he just keeps staring at me smiling. Why does he always have to be smiling? It’s seriously a really cute smile and drunk me can not deal with this right now. I've had way too much to drink to be sitting at a table across from him.

  His friend, Cameron, is already talking to Kayla, which doesn't surprise me, she is a smart and gorgeous blonde who loves to flirt. "This is Cameron, Cameron this Katie. I see you've already introduced yourself to Kayla." He smirks. I smile politely to Cameron as he says "Nice to finally meet you Katie, Jason has told me all about you." Jason has told him all about me? What has he said? "Hopefully it was all good things." He smiles widely at my response. I look back towards Jason to see him still just staring at me smiling. He really needs to stop doing that. I look away and try to avoid looking at him by watching all of the people on the dance floor below. Not even a minute later, Cameron and Kayla are squeezing out passed us. "We are going to go dance. Are you coming Katie?" I look at Jason and I don't want to be rude by just leaving him sitting by himself. I've had quite a few drinks and I'm feeling pretty brave so I reach over, grab his hand
, and pull him up to go to the dance floor. I wasn't as nervous as I would've expected, I just started dancing with Jason without a care in the world.

  Every move we made seemed to inch us closer and closer until he was right up against my back. He wraps his arms around me from behind almost like he was hugging me. How did he know I loved it when a guy hugs me from behind? It's somehow different than a regular hug, it feels more intimate and caring. I'll admit, it felt nice, but even drink me knew this was a bad idea. We continued dancing with his arms around me. As the music changed so did our moves and his hands were now on my hips slowly sliding down and in that moment I didn't mind, I was actually enjoying it. It felt good being close to someone again. I don't know if it was the drinks or true feelings, but I can feel a connection with him.

  This moment is abruptly interrupted by Kayla yelling over the music "I think we are going to get out of here. Are you guys coming?" Is it time to go already? It didn't seem like it, but we had been dancing for hours. I look back at Jason and wait for him to respond. He looks at me like he's wanting my approval to stay so this night won't be over so soon. I yell back at Kayla "No. You guys go ahead and take our car back to my place, I’ll just catch a ride back with Jason." She gives me a huge grin before saying "Ok. You too have fun. I'll see you back at the house." I turn and look to see Jason smiling happily. We keep dancing and at one point we move and turn until we are facing each other still dancing. We slowly get closer and closer until we are nearly intertwined. I look up at him and he's looking right back at me. When I said drinking makes me brave, I wasn't kidding. In that moment I reach up putting my hands at the back of his neck to pull him just close enough to lean in and kiss him. We kiss and continue kissing like it had been building up to this final moment. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever felt and I was lost in it.

  None of my prior feelings about him mattered, it actually felt right. We kissed and danced for what felt like hours until he pulls away and grabs my hand "Come on. Let's go." I gladly follow. Pushing thorough the crowd we don't speak a word.

  We get to his car and I can't help but feel this strange sense of wanting him. We sit close holding hands, but continue to not speak the entire way back to his house, like we were both lost in thought about what had just happened and what was going to happen next. I don't question why we went to his house since I know it's so we can be alone. He helps me out of the car and holds my hand all the way up to his front door. Just as he's opening the door he turns back to look at me like he's waiting for me to show some sign of not wanting to go in, but I don't. Instead I reach out and pull him in for another kiss.

  What has gotten into me? We kiss passionately all the way through the house bumping into almost ever wall and corner we came to until the stairs. He breaks free from kissing and pulls me by my hand up the stairs and to his bedroom. The second we are in his bedroom the kissing starts right back where we left off. This time I feel myself pulling his shirt up over his head and his hand reaching back to unzip my dress. We both fumble, but manage to not so gracefully make it to his bed unclothed of almost everything. As I'm laying on his bed in just my black lace panties, he looks at me for a second, admiring me, thinking, then he lays down on me to kiss me some more. As we kiss and the moment starts to heat up he starts kissing me slowly from my neck and works his way down to my stomach. I arch my back in sweet pleasure as he starts to tug at my panties. I want him so badly right now and I can tell he wants me too.

  He loosens his grip to look up at me. He moves back up to kiss me again when he says "I don't think we should do this." What? What does he mean? "What's wrong?" I ask. He sighs and lays on his back beside me. "I don't want this to be like any other time. You're different, I can feel it. It all feels different than I'm used to." Different? Does he mean different than all of the other girls he's been with. That thought makes my stomach feel like it's in a big knot. I don't respond since I'm not sure what to say. He turns holding his head up on his hand to look at me. He puts his hand on my cheek forcing me to look at him, but I'm too embarrassed to look. "I feel something I've never felt before. Something about you is different, but in a good way. I just can’t explain it." I jump up and start to grab my dress from the floor when he jumps up and grabs my hand. "Where are you going?" I knew I had to leave, I don't know what I feel, I just knew I felt something, but what exactly I still was unsure.

  All I could feel for certain was pure embarrassment. I let myself go and gave in to him and then this. "I should go home. You're right, we shouldn't do this. This was a bad idea, I must've just had too much to drink." I know that seemed harsh to say I was only here because I had too much to drink, but in a way maybe it was true, I just had too much to drink and got carried away. "You don't have to leave." After what just happened, leaving was exactly what I needed to do.

  My heart was racing and I felt panicked and ashamed at the same time. What have I done? Running down the hallway while managing to pull my dress back on and get down the stairs and out the door, here I am walking down the street with my shoes in my hand. I take a deep breath. Almost to my house, I think, this is seriously the complete definition of, the walk of shame, and I was beyond embarrassed, I was mortified and angry. Angry at myself, I sneak through my house to keep Kayla from knowing I was home. I didn't want to explain, I couldn't explain. Going straight to my room, I shut the door quietly behind me and go right to my bed to sit down. Sitting there I hold my head in my hands, I know the only one to blame here was myself. I initiated the kiss, I let the alcohol get the best of me, I agreed to leave with him and willingly let him get me to his bed. Seeing him was inevitable, as much as I want to avoid him, I knew we would see each other again. I just hope we can both pretend this night never happened. I go to my closet to change into some comfortable clothes and then right back to my bed. Laying there in bed, my mind is racing, but somehow through my thoughts, I managed to fall into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Six

  I woke up to Kayla jumping on my bed wanting every detail of my night, but I knew I could never tell her at least not until I was certain of what happened. I keep finding myself so lost in the moment when I'm with him and I know I should avoid him, but if I do that, I'll be leading him to believe I felt something I don't feel. I told Kayla we just danced all night and he brought me home, the rest I will just keep to myself and hopefully he does the same.

  Even though it's almost noon, I make Kayla and I a big breakfast, pancakes, bacon, and some eggs. Kayla told me very little about her night with Cameron, but I'm assuming it went much better than my night with Jason since she has been smiling at her phone all morning. As much as I want all of the details, I don't ask in hopes to avoid her asking for more from me, so not knowing is fine with me.

  We eat breakfast and both go upstairs to shower and prepare ourselves for another eventful day together. Since we decided to spend the day on the boardwalk at Venice beach, we both throw on our bikinis, shorts, and flip flops and head out the door. Kayla drove which was fine with me since I was still struggling with a bit of a headache, I love going out, but I don't love the hangovers that follow.

  We finally get there and Kayla immediately finds a good place to park, little did I know, Kayla had invited Cameron who just happened to be standing there with Jason just as we are parking the car. I wondered how she seemed to know just where to park. "Thanks for telling me they wee going to be here." I say sarcastically. I really hope Jason follows my lead and acts as if nothing happened. "Oh Katie, it will be fun." We grab our bags and get out of the car. I can tell from the way he's looking at me as we walk over to them that he's thinking about last night, but I just keep my composure and try to act casual.

  As we walk down the boardwalk surrounded by music and people dancing enjoying the day, I can feel him staring at me, like he's looking for some sign as to what I'm feeling, but I've managed to stick to acting like nothing happened. To kill the awkward silence and staring I try to start up conversation. "You guys want to get a spot on
the beach so us girls can work on our tans and hopefully relax away this hangover." They must've got my humor because they were all smiling at me. "Yea. Let's go. You know I could use a tan." Kayla replies with a cute smirk.

  Her reply was funny since she has pretty fair skin and doesn't get much of a tan even after being in the sun all day. We find a spot, as Kayla is laying her towel down and I'm getting mine out of my bag, Jason nudges me. "So, how did you sleep last night? You look pretty good this morning for someone who drunk as much as you did." Now he's trying to be funny. I was a little surprised that I'm not feeling too miserable with a hangover, just a little bit of a headache, and I haven't drank that much in a very long time. "I slept very well and I feel fine, surprisingly. That's the most I've drank since my 21st birthday." Saying that was my way of politely saying that whatever happened last night is to be blamed solely on the alcohol and nothing more. "Planning on going out again tonight?" he asks. "I think so." I know he's going to join since Kayla and Cameron are already talking plans for hanging out tonight. "Well I just so happen to have a fully stocked bar right by my pool if you ladies want to come over." He wants me at his house? He is so confusing. One minute he's practically kicking me out and the next he's inviting me over. Before I can even respond, Kayla responds for me. "That's a great idea.

  Drinks by the pool sounds like a good time to me. What do you think Katie?" This is one of those moments where I wish I would've told her everything, and then maybe she wouldn't be so quick to answer for me. I know Kayla will only be here for a week and she seems to really like Cameron so I'd hate to ruin her good time.